DJ Moschops presents the long awaiting concept album 'Prophecy', released in association with Workin' Class Records. It documents the total disintegration of a lost civilization cursed by the marauding extraterrestrial race known as the Harrids.
To experience the album as it was truly intended, download the whole
thing and listen to it in a soundproof underground bunker, safe in the
knowledge that all concepts embedded within are but fanciful
happenings of an active imagination and that nothing like this could
ever happen in the REAL world...
Album features Ionskribe, Marvellous, 4 Real, Lunitic, Messiah J,
Clandestein, Hunter, Layla, Dazastah, Sirius, Jimmy the Hideous
Penguin, Mikey Fingers, Tweek, Deviant & Djackulate.
Grab it for free right here on his bandcamp page.